Talents d'or formation


Because Universities, Engineering /Business / Communication Schools and many companies are designed to prepare students for international mobility, more than ever, mastering foreign languages is a valuable asset for career development.

Managing, negotiating or conducting meetings and projects in a language that is not our mother tongue cannot be improvised, nor can exchanging within multicultural teams. It is to answer these specific needs that TalentsD’Or Accademia is putting its professional  language training courses back in the spotlight.


Because Universities, Engineering /Business / Communication Schools and many companies are designed to prepare students for international mobility, more than ever, mastering foreign languages is a valuable asset for career development.

Managing, negotiating or conducting meetings and projects in a language that is not our mother tongue cannot be improvised, nor can exchanging within multicultural teams. It is to answer these specific needs that TalentsD’Or Accademia is putting its professional  language training courses back in the spotlight.

Mastering foreign languages indeed opens doors to a wealth of opportunities in the professional world. Let’s explore how:

  • Improved Communication Skills:
    Proficiency in multiple languages enhances your ability to communicate effectively with diverse audiences. Whether you’re negotiating, collaborating with international colleagues or addressing clients, language skills are invaluable.

  • Expanded Career Opportunities: Multilingual individuals have a competitive advantage. They can work in global companies, international organizations and cross-cultural environments. Employers are looking for candidates with proven language skills who can connect with a wider customer base.

  • Cultural Understanding:
    Learning a foreign language goes beyond grammar and vocabulary. It exposes you to different cultures, customs and perspectives. This cultural awareness is crucial for successful interactions in a globalized workplace.

  • Cognitive Benefits:
    Language learning stimulates your brain, improves memory and enhances problem-solving skills. It keeps your mind agile and adaptable, which is essential for career growth.

  • Networking:
    Speaking another language allows you to connect with people from different backgrounds. Networking becomes more fruitful when you can comfortably interact with professionals from all over the world.

In today’s interconnected world, being multilingual is an asset that can significantly impact your career trajectory. So, whether you’re learning French, Italian, Spanish or any other language, embrace the journey, invest in your professionalfuture! 

En Français

  • Management
  • Compétences managériales
  • Management de transition
  • Gestion de projet
  • Ressources Humaines
  • Vente BtoB
  • Communication

In Italiano

  • Creare e sviluppare il proprio business
  • Competenze manageriali
  • Gestire il cambiamento organizzativo
  • Strategia Risorse Umane
  • Vendite B to B
  • Marketing

En Espanol

  • El mundo de los negocios
  • Habilidades gerenciales
  • Cambio de transición
  • Estrategia de Recursos Humanos
  • Interculturalidad
  • Ventas B2B

GLOBE TROTTER Language Package

This offer aims to develop your language skills interactively and personalized by linking language learning to various professional themes. Available in 7 languages including English, French, Italian, Spanish, sign language, with a working interface in 29 languages. Our learning platform offers you the opportunity to practice several available languages, keeping a history of progress for each of them. How nice it is to have a choice!

Pedagogical Means:

You will have access to a specialized language learning platform. Career paths include 4 or 5 modules related to targeted professions and themes: finance, law, medical, Human Resources, technology, tourism, art & fashion, business world. A point system, to be accumulated, provides you with ongoing monitoring of your progress and serves to challenge you. By increasing your score, new, more difficult exercises will be offered to you; it’s up to you to overcome them all. You have complete freedom in how you approach the training and organize your work sessions.

Educational Content:

The modules contain numerous resources of all types, such as media, allowing you to watch documentaries, scenes from cult films, and read articles. You will be faced with numerous exercises and adapted games to allow you to practice while having fun.

Training Content:

  • 3 or 6 months duration

  • Access to our language platform

  • Test and Level Certificate

  • Access to 3 discovery chapters among those available in our catalog

  • Access to a module on our specialized certification platform

  • 3 sessions of 30 minutes with one of our coaches to review your progress and answer your requests

For Whom? :

You already have a certain level in one or more languages and wish to develop your language skills while familiarizing yourself with professional vocabulary. You need to improve your level in preparation for an exam such as the TOEIC, a new professional challenge or international mobility, and/or you are looking for a solution to enhance the performance of your teams and your company.

As this training lasts only 3 or 6 months, it will require rigor and investment in order to surpass yourself. Take advantage of the tools we provide you to have all the cards in hand and achieve your goals.