Talents d'or formation


More than ever, companies need to rely on their managers’ skills  to consolidate their performance.

Our training programs address the need for continuous adaptation to keep up with technological changes, emerging work patterns and the expected development of both hard and soft skills.

They serve as a valuable conduit for enhancing managerial skills, ensuring alignment with organizational expectations and fostering a deep understanding of how to cultivate and sustain team performance. By equipping participants with both technical and interpersonal competencies, these programs empower individuals to thrive in dynamic work environments. Whether it is mastering the intricacies of project management or honing effective communication, these initiatives play a pivotal role in shaping well-rounded professionals.


More than ever, companies need to rely on their managers’ skills  to consolidate their performance.

Our training programs address the need for continuous adaptation to keep up with technological changes, emerging work patterns and the expected development of both hard and soft skills.

They serve as a valuable conduit for enhancing managerial skills, ensuring alignment with organizational expectations and fostering a deep understanding of how to cultivate and sustain team performance. By equipping participants with both technical and interpersonal competencies, these programs empower individuals to thrive in dynamic work environments. Whether it is mastering the intricacies of project management or honing effective communication, these initiatives play a pivotal role in shaping well-rounded professionals.


Description :

This training prepares learners to master adaptive management techniques enabling them to develop  appropriate managerial approaches, enhance interpersonal communication and improve assertiveness.

TalentsD’Or Accademia Diploma

Available Training Paths:

E-learning formula & coaching - 38 hours

Accompanied E-learning formula & practical workshops - 41 hours

For whom?

First-time managers.

Any professional eager to adopt a team-oriented managerial approach and willing to improve their managerial techniques and enhance their operational methods.


3 years of professional experience


20 modules présentant les fondamentaux du Management d’équipe et des techniques de développement personnel,

20 modules presenting the fundamentals of team management and personal development techniques, accompanied by complementary digital resources featuring personalized content selected based on identified needs.

Teaching Methods:

Our approach combines theoretical concepts, role-playing and practical case studies drawn from your professional environment to create a harmonious learning experience. The course is structured into  various modules, which include e-learning components supplemented by individualized coaching sessions. Additionally, participants can engage in practice workshops and exam preparation sessions, depending on the chosen accompanying formula.

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

Gain a better understand your professional environment. Effectively manage teams, assignments and projects while considering performance criteria. Enhance your skills and those of your collaborators. Foster and sustain team motivation and synergy. Adapt your behavior in various circumstances.


The different skills are assessed through the following evaluations:

  • Simulated situations: 3 role-playing games that simulate real-life scenarios relevant to the learner’s professional context (e.g., goal-setting, feedback interviews).
  • Proposal for an Improvement Plan to implement within the company.
  • Oral Presentation of a Managerial Action Plan: presentation and discussion of a proposed action plan drafted by the apprentice.


Description :

This training develops the fundamental skills that enable managers to effectively respond to changes in their professional environment. It provides the keys to identify resistance, better understand collaborators, and help them maintain their engagement despite an unstable context.

Certification :

Yes – Registered in the Specific Register (RS6238) – Eligible for CPF & OPCO

Possible Training Paths:

- E-learning formula & individual coaching - 35 hours

- Accompanied E-learning formula & practical workshops - 42 hours

- Express Formula - E-learning & workshop - 15 hours


For whom?

All managers who must address organizational changes in the company and/or who must deal with the resistance of collaborators anxious in the face of changes.


2 years of professional or associative experience.

Interview with our pedagogical consultant.


30 modules presenting the fundamentals of team management suitable for an evolving environment, personal development techniques, including sophrology practices, complementary resources with personalized content based on identified needs.

Teaching Methods:

Our approach combines theoretical concepts, role-playing and practical case studies drawn from your professional environment to create a harmonious learning experience. The course is structured into  various modules, which include e-learning components supplemented by individualized coaching sessions. Additionally, participants can engage in practice workshops and exam preparation sessions, depending on the chosen accompanying formula.


Upon completion of this training, you will be able to:

Engage collaborators in cooperative efforts, pooling expertise, resources and efforts to achieve mutual success. Accompany change with agility. Develop assertive interpersonal communication that leads to employee adherence, despite resistance. Engage in a process of continuous improvement.


The different skills are assessed during the following evaluations:

  • Simulated situations: 3 role-playing games, simulated in an evolving professional context (e.g., managing a difficult situation, realignment interviews).
  • Definition of an improvement area to be implemented within the company.
  • Oral presentation of a managerial action plan, proposed and drafted by the apprentice.